Wednesday, October 21, 2009

First Android Netbook makes a debut

For long have we been listening to rumors about Android Netbooks being in the making but apart from all those too-good-to-be-true concepts and mockups, none actually ever managed to come to the market.

However, a Chinese company called Skytone wants to take the lead in this by releasing the first ever Android Netbook to the masses.

Even though the news is big as no Android Netbook was expected to be released in the market by end of this year, still the specifications of the device by Skytone doesn't put as at wonders.

As listed, the Netbook is powered by the Google Androind OS but a closer look at the hardware specifications indicates that this little guy is not even as powerful as an Android cellphone. The CPU is a slow 533MHz ARM-11 with only 128MB of RAM and 1GB of storage space (up to 4GB optional).

There seems to be three USB ports with an SD card along with WiFi and Ethernet and a optional Webcam.

The 7 inch display is able to spin around its base making it more like a Tablet and also the Netbooks boasts to have gaming controls on either side of its display which are plain useless for someone who actually plans to use the Netbook for Internet and work.

A clear say on the price is nowhere to be found, though it is speculated that this Android Netbook might costs anything between $100 to $250. Follow on to the product page for more information.

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